Technical Training Unit
In 1978, the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh(icddr,b) is established as an autonomous, international, philanthropic, and non-profit centre for research, education and training as well as clinical services. Our Vision is “Healthier people – Better lives through evidence-based solutions” and our Mission is to help solve significant public health challenges facing the people of Bangladesh and beyond through generation of knowledge and its translation into policy and practice. In doing so, we provide facilities for training to Bangladeshi and other nationals in areas of the icddr,b’s competence in collaboration with national and international institutions. As a key component of the icddr,b’s strategy, we help disseminate its research findings and strengthen the linkage between icddr,b and research institutions, public health institutions and universities in Bangladesh and other developing countries and beyond. Throughout our history, we have maintained an emphasis on training activities that make a life-saving contribution to global health through capacity-building, and the trainings we offer today are informed by expertise, experience, learning and research accumulated over five decades. Since 1978, over 36,000 researchers, physicians, laboratory personnel, managers, trainers and students from 85 countries were trained through training and education programs organized and conducted at icddr,b. The key stakeholders include among others, the Government of Bangladesh (GoB), Government of Japan (GoJ) and donors like USAID, DfID, SIDA, CIDA, and AusAID.
Because of our five-decade long experience in research, we are a leading provider of epidemic information in the developing world. We offer flagship training courses in epidemiology for trainees and students from all over the globe. They are offered priceless opportunities to become immersed in the world of medicine, epidemiology, and raw research. The direct consequence is a worldwide increase in vital knowledge, and saved lives. icddr,b’s experience in clinical, laboratory and public health research equips us to contribute to building capacity of the institutions and people through ‘hands-on training in epidemiology and social, as well as in biomedical sciences. We utilize unique facilities including the field sites, hospitals and state-of the-arts laboratories, and most importantly the opportunities arising out of its priority research activities, and its rich and varied services, to provide research and other relevant trainings in the following areas:
Most importantly, through our restructured and reoroganised ten (10) Research Centres (Child and Adolescent Health, Communicable Diseases, HIV&AIDS, Chronic Diseases, Equity and Health Systems, Food and Water Borne Diseases, Population, Urbanisation and Climate Change, Reproductive Health, and Vaccine Sciences) we remain at the forefront of public health research establishing 360 degree research approach that allows the development and practices of newer research methods, techniques and the related training and capacity building initiatives.